Escort Passport 9500ix- One of the Best Radar Detectors

If you are looking for a top quality radar detector you should consider getting the Escort Passport 9500ix. This radar is both highly intelligent as well as highly effective. There are no bands that speed enforcement can use that it will not detect. It picks up on the radar police cars use including K, X Ka, and Ku. It can also pick up cars from the front, rear and even the side. Instead of having to worry if your radar might miss a police car or speed camera you will know with the Escort Passport 9500ix that you will know when a police officer or camera is there. The uniqueness of this radar detector also eliminates false alarms. If it tells you that a blue light is near you will know for sure that there is a police presence near you.

How it Works
The Escort Passport 9500ix works by using a GPS system. It connects with GPS satellites that help to pin point your exact location. When your exact location is calculated it then searches for police radar presence as well as camera presence. If you find yourself approaching a police or camera you will hear audible, voice alerts as well as visuals. The Escort Passport 9500ix will give you a separate warning for each radar, laser as well as traffic safety warnings. A great blue LED light display is easy to read and can be adjusted for brightness during night time use. It comes with a unique windshield mount that can hold up to the heat and to the cold.  

Cost and Where to Purchase
The cost of this radar usually runs anywhere from $300-500 depending on where you purchase it from and if you get any warranties or any extras. You can purchase the Escort Passport 9500ix at many different locations. The most popular location is online. If you purchase online you will have the chance to read many reviews about the product as well as compare pricing at several different stores. If you want to purchase new or used you will have no trouble finding what you want at many of the online retailers.

If you want to make sure that you know where a police car is or a speed camera you will want to invest in this radar. It is able to detect whatever device they may be using saving you from getting a costly ticket.